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Twilight Sequel put on hold

         Everyone probably has heard of the fantastic Edward Cullen. Either from their girlfriend, sister, mom, or reading Stephenine Meyer’s “Twilight” series. The anticipating plot is put at pause due to someone leaking the fifth book called, Midnight Sun. “I have a good idea of how the leak happened as there were very few copies of Midnight Sun that left my possession and each was unique. The manuscript that was illegally distributed on the Internet was given to trusted individuals for a good purpose. I have no comment beyond that as I believe that there was no malicious intent with the initial distribution.” Midnight Sun’s plot is about how Bella and the handsome vampire raise their new baby according to the leaked book.

         I thought this article, Stephenie Meyers Twilight book scrapped after Internet leak, was very interesting. I am a huge fan of the Twilight books and am very disappointed that Meyers has a taken a break from writing/ editing it due to it being leaked over the Internet. I’m usually not that interested in things being leaked over the Internet because they typically don’t affect me. When music or movies are put on the internet illegally it usually benefits the consumers. In this situation the book being leaked doesn’t benefit the consumers or the writer. I hope that Meyer will finish writing/ editing Midnight Sun. Hopefully copyrights and legal downloading will start to be more strictly enforced.

 Work Cited



Amy Dowd

Categories: Uncategorized
  1. kcherniawski
    October 3, 2009 at 6:40 pm

    In this day in age, this is a paragon example of how easily information can be leaked out onto the internet and be illegally downloaded. In order to check the power of pirates, I would agree with your statement about having a strong copyright law system. However, I would disagree that we need to build stricter rules on the already resent system. We need to reform the copyright laws so that they aren’t as ridiculous as they are today. Hopefully, changes will be made to the current system, but I can only hope that it will be for the good of the remixing and creative side of internet culture.

  2. zzllxxllzz
    October 4, 2009 at 11:40 am

    It is disappointing, but it makes sense that Meyers is taking a break. I can imagine it being very frustrating for her.
    Since the plot has been leaked, she has to spend time thinking of something new that will engage and surprise the audience.

    Having upcoming novels leaked is very common. Again, look at J.K Rowling and her experiences.

  3. October 4, 2009 at 2:16 pm

    Personally I feel like leaks of anything, from book to music and movies makes everything less fun. It’s like opening your christmas presents early but, in the end, makes the whole experiance less fullfilling. Then, everyones pet peave when there is a leak, comes so many spoilers. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had a book or movie spoiled and it just ruined it for me. I feel like leaks like this is just a lose-lose situation.

  4. marceycook
    October 6, 2009 at 1:31 pm

    I am not really really in to the Twilight saga like some of my friends, but I like the books. I recently blogged about a copyright infringement problem with Stephanie Meyer. Maybe it’s the same one? I feel really badly for her and her fans that all this is happening.

  5. clawlor
    October 6, 2009 at 4:58 pm

    That really does suck that her book was leaked out onto the internet, especially because she said that she had only given the manuscript to a few trusted individuals. I guess they weren’t all that trustworthy? I really, really dislike twilight, a lot, but I do feel that if she invested all this time and effort into her book, no one has the right to just give it away without her permission. And although I am personally against Twilight, I still recognize her talent as an author and acknowledge her as an artist, and I hope she continues to create stories for all of her fans with questionable taste in reading material.

  6. kgerbes
    October 9, 2009 at 8:06 pm

    Good for Stephenie Meyer for standing up for her work. I think most people just assume that leaks are only advanced copies of work before it comes out, but Meyer is standing up for her work by delaying or possibly preventing the book from coming out. She has such a heavy following of fans, that an act like this has the potential to really make a statement in the world of leaking creative works online.

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